GDC Theog

Internal Complaint Committee


In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women employees and students in Higher educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, Internal Complaint Committee of Govt. Degree College was constituted for ensuring a safe and supportive environment for students, faculty and staff.

Objectives of the ICC:

  • To create conducive work environment that fosters dignity, respect and equality.
  • To ensure a safe and supportive environment.
  • To deal with the complaints related to Sexual Harassment at workplace.
  • To raise awareness about harassment and discrimination through sensitization and training programmes.

Govt. Degree College Theog has Zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and is proactively committed to provide safe, harassment- free academic environment to students, faculty and staff members.

Internal Complaint Committee Members for Academic Year 2024-25:

S.No. Name of the Member Designation Contact No.
1. Dr. Lalita Chandan Presiding Officer-Chairperson 94181-00104
2. Mrs. Yogita Dutt External Member Advocate
3. Dr. Raksha Kalta Faculty Member 98165-95945
4. Ms. Rashika Sharma Faculty Member 94593-81664
5. Dr. Pratibind Pandey Faculty Member 98680-30599
6. Dr. Kalpna Sharma Faculty Member 70187-25710
7. Mr. Basant Lal Faculty Member 94599-82768
8. Ms. Chetna Negi Faculty Member 78073-76758
9. Mr. Chandresh Kumar Faculty Member 98822-20037
10. Mrs. Jyoti Sharma Non- Teaching Staff 94592-12818
11. Mrs. Indira Devi Non- Teaching Staff
12. Preeti (BAIII) Student
13. Monika Bijta(BAIII) Student
14. Khushboo (B.ComIII) Student

Who Can Approach ICC for Help?

Any female (student, faculty member or non- teaching staff member) of Govt. Degree College can seek Redressal from the ICC (Internal Complaint Committee)

Procedure for filing a Complaint with ICC Govt. Degree College Theog:

  • As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013, an aggrieved woman can make the written complaint of Sexual Harassment of a Woman at Workplace within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident.
  • In accordance with the Act, in case the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical incapacity, a complaint may be filed inter alia by her relative or friend or her co-worker or an officer of the National Commission for Woman or State Women’s Commission or any person who has knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of the aggrieved woman.
  • Complaints regarding Sexual Harassment must be made in written (legible handwriting) or typed on paper. The aggrieved person should submit a detailed written complaint to any member of the ICC.
  • Nature of the complaint should be clearly stated in detail with dates and locations.
  • The complaint must bear the name and address of the aggrieved person clearly.

Working of Internal Complaint Committee:

  • All complaints will be dealt with confidentially.
  • A formal inquiry will be initiated after receiving the complaint. Both the complainant and the respondent will be interviewed separately.
  • Only matters pertaining to sexual harassment and/or discrimination of staff and students will be under the jurisdiction of ICC.
  • Other conflicts and grievances if any should be submitted to the respective Grievance Redressal Cell (either for Staff or Students) or to the Discipline Committee
  • Necessary action as deemed fit will be taken.

Acts & Guidelines